Helping Kids with Anxious Feelings or Anxiety Disorders 

Feeling anxious is common – it’s our body’s way of alerting us to danger.

For some people, including children, the alarm system goes off even when there isn’t danger. You can help kids learn to tell if there’s real danger or if it’s a “false alarm.” Helping them move forward if their anxious feelings are sending a false alarm is a key skill that children can develop.

Everyday feelings of anxiety can become an anxiety disorder when it stops children from doing the things they want and need to do.

Learn more about anxiety, signs to watch out for and how you can help the kids in your life manage their feelings of anxiety.

Latest Resources


6 Ways to Help Kids Who Are Feeling Anxious

How do you help a child with anxious feelings? The goal isn’t to get rid of their feelings but to help them move forward in spite of their worries.


Anxiety and Children: What’s "Normal?"

Anxious or fearful feelings are common as a child develops. Here’s what to expect at different stages, how to tell if your child is anxious and when to be concerned.


Common Anxiety Disorders in Children

When anxious feelings are intense, frequent and get in the way of daily life, it may be signs of an anxiety disorder. What anxiety disorders are seen in kids?


Help Your Child Feel Less Anxiety About Doctor Visits

Kids may be fearful about the unknown or anxious about what is going to happen at the doctor’s office. Here are signs to look for and how to help with those anxious feelings.


Easing Your Child's Separation Anxiety

Children can feel stressed by being away from their caregivers. It is a normal part of development, and you can help ease their nerves with a few simple steps.

Additional Resources