On Our Sleeves : Letter

What does a letter mean to you?

Dear someone... Letters are one of the oldest ways to connect...to feel associated and nurtured. With each stroke of the pen or clack of the keyboard, it's a way to say, "thinking of you." Sometimes we write letters to ourselves in a diary or journal as a method to sort through our thoughts, to think on paper.

A letter is a thoughtful investment in someone's time and feelings. It carries a little extra meaning. In today's hyper-connected world, it's an opportunity to slow down. If you could write a letter to someone who's been a support to you, what would it say?

What does the letter mean to you? Share using #OnOurSleeves.

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Start Your Own Mental Health Conversations

Starting mental health conversations show children it’s okay to talk about mental health. Use the graphic to start a conversation with your family, friends and others.

Please share the graphic too! If you share on social media, don’t forget to tag us or use the hashtag #OnOurSleeves.

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