How to Practice Mental Fitness

It's important for our mental well-being to keep a routine, eat healthy and exercise. Check out these tips and resources to help you and your family maintain structure and stay mentally fit.

On Our Sleeves Mental Fitness Challenge

Mental Fitness Challenge

Keeping our brain in shape is just as important as keeping our body in shape. The On Our Sleeves team has 22 suggestions for you and your family to help you stay mentally fit.

Get started by downloading the Mental Fitness Challenge below!


Download the Mental Fitness Challenge (PDF)

Latest Resources

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How Routines Help Kids' Mental Health

Repetition, in the form of routines, has many mental health benefits for children, decreasing stress and helping kids handle emotions. Even teens and adults experience mental health benefits from having routines.

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How to Build Summer Structure

Creating structure around your summer schedule can make you your children feel safer, less stressed and more prepared. There are many easy ways to build this structure and still have fun all summer long.

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The Importance of Getting Outside

Take advantage of the warm summer days and soak up some sun – just don’t forget the sunscreen! Here are a few ideas.

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Tips to Keep Kids Learning This Summer

As summer vacation approaches, kids are gearing up with little regard for the academics they will leave behind. Here are three tips to keep kids’ brains in the game to avoid the summer slump.

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Crank Up the Tunes

Check out our On Our Sleeves playlist for some fun songs to enjoy this summer!

Additional Resources